Thursday, October 11, 2007

oops, i did it again

ok, so i'll never be accused of being graceful.

i was taping a tv show tonite and i left the studio to go to the bathroom while they were setting up for another scene. they're just about to start filming and i come back in. someone yells at me to close the door. i turn around, close the door, and before i could take a step, i hear, "rolling!" all is quiet. i turn back around and start to walk and am yanked back. i realize i have closed my robe in the door. now i can't move and i'm stuck in the corner. i can't open the door or say anything until the scene is over or i ruin the shot. all of a sudden it strikes me how hilarious this is and my whole body starts shaking and i'm doing everything in my power not to laugh out loud. the more i try to be quiet, the harder it gets. i'm biting the insides of my mouth as hard as i can to keep from laughing. just when i thought i was about to lose it, they finally yell, "cut!"

can you say "klutz"?


SignGurl said...

Ell, that's hilarious! I'm not sure I could have remained as composed as you.

I love the new look of your blog. It's a great new beginning.

ell said...

thanks jenn. i've been so bad about checking in here - glad you stopped by!