Friday, November 9, 2007

the eighth wonder of the world

why are men such buttheads? why can't they pick up a phone? why can't they just hit the "reply" button?

is it that difficult?

is it that complicated?

is it a chemical imbalance?

is it the testosterone?

do they just live to annoy us?

funny how if they want something from us, they have no problem with any of the above.

we now return to our regularly scheduled programming.


SignGurl said...

Men DO live just to annoy us, but I'd have it no other way :)

ell said...

sg - yeah, i guess you're right. we'd be bored without them.

d-man - no, not all - there are a few gems here and there.

good to hear from you d!

BTExpress said...

There are few gems, me included. Just ask Sign and she'll tell you. ;-)

Thanks for stopping by.