Friday, August 1, 2008

a funny thing happened....

i'm off for a week at the beach and i can't wait. the first thing i have to do when i get there is kick off my shoes, run down to the beach and wiggle my toes in the sand. it's a yearly ritual. i get warm and fuzzy just thinking about it.

so i'm hooked on the reality tori spelling show (yeah, i know what you're thinking, but it's like a train wreck, you just can't turn away). now that her book is out, i'm dying to read it. what better than to get a copy and take it with me to read this week.

well, i've been to three different bookstores, major ones, i'm not talking little holeinthewall ones and every one is sold out.....waiting for the next printing. well, at the last one i went to customer service, asked for the book, and of course was told i was out of luck. would i like to order one??? sure! while i'm standing there, i look at the bookshelf behind the counter and, lo and behold, there sits the motherlode!!! that's it!!! can i take a look?, i plead. "it's been ordered for someone, you can look, but YOU CAN'T BUY IT!" the not-so-friendly "customer service" clerk tells me. so there's a note in the book with the person's info on it and the note, "called 7/23". so i ask the clerk, could he please just call the person and see if they still want it? "NO, we hold it for three weeks." now tell me, would it have been so difficult to just call the person and ask? it is possible they might have gotten it somewhere else and if they were so desperate to have it, would it have been sitting there for over a week???!!! sheesh!

so, i slink away, my tail between my legs, wanting to just jump over that counter, grab the book, and hightail it out of the store. oh well, guess i'll just have to wait.

and how was your day?