Sunday, November 18, 2007


tomorrow i start a diet. again. this time i hope it sticks. no, i'm going to be positive - this time it's GOING to stick. i have never been so disgusted with myself. even my "fat" jeans are tight. i don't even want to get dressed anymore - nothing fits. we had a weigh-in at work last week so if i fall off the wagon, everyone will know. i'm putting it in writing now....i'm serious. every sunday i will post my progress.

so tomorrow is it.

no kidding.

i mean it.


SignGurl said...

I'm here to cheer you on!! You can do this!

ell said...

thanks, i really needed that! i'm about at the end of my rope.

Balloon Pirate said...

You may want to try a food program instead of a diet.

This is a pretty strict group, but it works:
I lost 45 pounds in six weeks.
